Darren Green's home page

Darren Michael Green

MA (Cantab.) PhD (Lond.) DIC FHEA

Clare College, University of Cambridge.
BA (→ MA) Natural Sciences (Zoology)
Imperial College, University of London & NERC Centre for Population Biology.
PhD. Thesis title: Coevolutionary dynamics in a parasitoid-host system.
Edinburgh University
Post-doctoral research associate, School of GeoSciences.
University of Oxford
Post-doctoral research assistant, Department of Zoology.
University of Stirling
Senior Lecturer (previously, Lecturer), Institute of Aquaculture, Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Research interests and outputs

My research is focussed on numerical approaches to tackling problems of aquatic animal health, be it vertebrate or invertebrate from the individual level through to country-wide population levels. From this I branch out into similar research in other systems, predominantly that of terrestrial livestock although I also have a long standing interest in host-parasite interactions.

Approaches involve both statistical analysis and more simulation-oriented methods. My research tends to be data heavy. For example, single data files for cattle movement records can contain tens of millions of records. Nevertheless, a general theme here is one of complex systems and ecology of disease. Epidemic dynamics present all the key features of complex systems: emergent behaviour based on relatively simple behaviour at the level of the epidemiological unit, patterns of feedback and non-linear behaviour, and poorly defined system edges. Recent research topics covered by projects include the following:

Contact networks in aquaculture and their implications for disease transmission. A concern is what features of contact networks should be targets for disease surveillance and are potential targets for disease control. Recent systems covered here include Scottish salmonids and farmed shrimp in Thailand.

Epidemiology of diseases of large livestock (cattle, sheep) in the UK. Projects have included the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis in terms of the relative importance of different routes of disease transmission, and of bluetongue virus in cattle.

Theoretical aspects of contact network structure and epidemic dynamics. Linking into the above two areas, research into the underlying structure of populations (e.g. clustering and large-scale topography) and how they can be manipulating to control the spread of disease.

Total papers published in peer-reviewed journals: 59. h-index: 26 (Scopus, as of Sep 2020).

Other research outputs: 4 trade-press articles; 3 book chapters; 14 referenced proceedings articles.

Research supervision: Three PhD students completed. 3 current students as of Sep 2020.

Selected publications

Teaching, and academic life

Hours of timetabled contact time (u/g + taught p/g): Peaked at 142 p/a lectures, practicals, and seminars as of Jan 2018.

Modules coordinated: Peaked at 4 (undergraduate, current) as of Jan 2018.

Programme director: BSc Aquaculture and BSc Marine Biology (until June 2020).

Session chair roles at international conferences: 2.

Invited seminars given: 15, including 5 at other universities.

Role as PhD student examiner: 7 (internal and external).

Other skills and experience

Statistical software including R, Minitab, and SPSS. Programming and software development in C++. In web development, proficiency in HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, and PHP including use of MySQL databases. Standard "office" software including database development in MS Access, and typesetting using LATEX.