Hi there
Pinkmongoose is Darren Green, a biologist and amateur musician living in Stirling, Scotland.
As well as poking around hills and plants, I play the piano and viola, sing, and have interests in both instrumental and electronic composition.
Welcome to my site. There's a bunch of stuff here to do with my work and other activities.
Socials and media
- Instagran
- Pinkmongoose on SoundCloud, for sound clips from ongoing projects
- Pinkmongoose on BandCamp, for my rather odd album, Breamscape
- GitHub for ongoing projects in R and C++
- WalkHighlands for blogs and bagging lists
- YouTube channel for occasional oddness
Things I do
Professional links
- Institute of Aquaculture work profile>
- My Google Scholar profile
- My Scopus profile
- My Orcid profile, yet another way of identifying academics
- My LinkedIn profile, if you want to follow me there

I don't use cookies to ensure that I give you the best experience on my website. So there's no privacy statement.